Rebuilding Myself Postpartum
A number of things changed about me that shifted my brain chemistry after giving birth - and not in the best way.
Firstly, where was my body and who was this woman ? - I didn’t look like myself and I for sure didn’t feel like it either.
I went from happy to angry to sad to anxious and did it all over again for months on end, with absolutely NO valid reason why - at least not one I could scurry up the knowledge to explain. I felt crazy.
Now, not only do I not recognize myself physically, I felt like I was losing who I knew myself to be mentally - that within itself was driving me up a wall, because once your mind is gone, how do you begin to think about getting it back ?
The rollercoaster of emotions I rode did not just disrupt the peace in which I had worked so hard to build up within myself but it leaked out into my relationships, productivity levels and way I maintained my environments.
I have never been the person that just let life’s circumstances dictate the direction in which I was set to go. Absolutely Not! Something had to be done, and soon.
I must say that although I felt like I was losing myself in every way possible, it felt good knowing that I had the word of God to stand on during it all. Remembering how He spoke of me in Jeremiah 29:11 - about having plans for me that wouldn’t harm me, plans that would give me hope and a future was enough for me to know that my circumstances were temporary.
About a week before my birthday after having to get the dress I bought altered due to it not being able to fit I made a decision. I wasn’t going to be the mom that let herself go, I wasn’t going to remain where I was mentally and that I was going to become an even better version of myself than before. The next day I had joined a gym, created a spiritual and daily routine for myself, turned off my emotions regarding my duties and stuck to it.
It's now been a little over a year and not only did I regain my mental health and body back but more. I locked in with God like I never have before, I broke free of 10+ years of addictive habits, I grew muscle in places I have been trying to for years ( if you know you know) , I became more active in my household, learned how to manage the negatives of postpartum and started a business that I know is going to change lives.
If you want to know exactly how I was able to stay committed in the gym, stay on track of my health and spiritual journey, maintain my household and take back control of my life stay tuned. It was and still is not easy but it is possible. Life is all about balance and some days will be easier to manage than others but as long as you are doing your absolute best all will fall into place as it should. God rewards us when we properly steward what He has given us. You do your part and He will assist in the rest. Knowing God is to know that you don’t have to handle it all on your own, you just have to put your best foot forward and trust that all will be well.