Hello everyone,
Welcome to ThreeInOneCo where we’re learning to live to be our best entirely. I pray this blog post finds you well and that you are continuing to hope in the Lord for all things.
This is our first blog post so I thought it was only right that I explain to you all how I got here. This is not a dive into my testimony just yet but just a glimpse into the beginning of the process that turned me from simply believing in Christ to fully trusting and believing in Him.
It took a while for me to truly understand how building a relationship and loving Christ worked. In all honesty, I had a desire to do it but I never felt the actual reason to. I’d seen people around me professing their love for Him all of my life but then I’d see those same people do things or live a life that was contrary to how His word said we look if we did. This definitely confused me and made me believe that as long as my heart was in the right place I could take all the time I needed to truly get to know Him for myself - at least I wasn’t living a double life, right ? I knew that Christ loved me and therefore believed He would accept me in all of my flaws even the ones He didn't approve of as long as I was truly trying to understand who He was for myself. Was this true ? Not entirely but this caused me to lack a lot of conviction in my decision making and left me hurt and crawling back to Christ time after time even though I was telling myself I truly had a relationship with Him.
One day I decided to be a bit more intentional and speak to Christ transparently about a lot of the things I felt He was convicting me of in my life. I used to smoke a lot of weed, lie, gossip, get blacked out drunk and destroy the relationships around me because of all the hurt I held inside and so much more. Then one day I told God “hey, it’s quite hard for me to quit doing the things I know are holding me back but I want to give it all up for you, so help me”. I didn’t get an answer or have change happening overnight but I did have the urge to become more intentional in actually getting to know him, this led me truly understanding who He was.
I’ve always been one that was into fitness, working out and keeping up my body but the constant drinking, smoking and other things I was doing prevented me from consistently being in the mindset that would help me to actually live in a way that fueled those desires. I then decided to ask God to be a part of a journey where I would not just allow Him to renew my mind and spirit but I wanted Him to renew all of me , which then included my physical body. This go around I was super literal about wanting Him to make ALL THINGS NEW. I wanted to come out on the other side of this journey not just thinking and acting differently but looking differently too! My testimony was not just going to be heard but seen as well, because I was going to make sure God got ALL OF THE GLORY! I said Lord , if you help me to get up each morning to exercise I will do my best to simply spend time with you and read your words. He kept up His end of the bargain and so did I. Not only this lead to a mental and spiritual transformation but a physical one as well. I am now stronger and more confident than I’ve ever been in my adult life and it is all because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Do I still have some things left to be worked on ? Absolutely, don't we all ? But this go around I saw an actual change in who I am and produced real results from being in process with The Lord.
So now here I am with ThreeInOneCo, a hub to help people grow in all things mind, body and soul. Now knowing that all it takes is dedication, discipline and faith to become a better you all around I want to assist people in removing all of the obstacles the enemy placed before them to stunt their growth and show them that all it takes is taking the first step with Jesus and sticking to the journey. No matter how complicated things may seem to get, sticking to a routine, having faith in God and constantly being reminded of who He is will propel you toward becoming a better you - it’s a foolproof plan. With the main goal being to glorify Christ as your most optimal self, this is a journey you know He will always be backing and supporting you on, you can’t lose.
I want to encourage you and let you know that no matter where you may be in life God can transform you, restore your soul and make ALL THINGS new concerning you. All it takes is your YES. Let’s come together to walk BOLD, STRONG and HOLY in Him.
Matthew 11:27-30
King James Version
27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.